Terms and Conditions
1. Title to goods shall not pass to any purchaser until payment has been made in full and any cheques or negotiable instruments honoured. If any goods shall be purportedly resold by any purchaser before payment in full has been made the purchaser shall hold any proceeds of such purported resale upon trust for us absolutely. We reserve the right to enter upon the premises of any purchaser to repossess goods not paid for in due time or in the event of a purchaser committing any act of bankruptcy or the liquidation of a purchaser company. Any person firm or corporation purchasing goods from us shall be deemed to have granted us licence to enter and repossess.
2. Risk shall pass to any purchaser forthwith on the making of the Contract.
3. Terms of payment are cash on delivery unless otherwise agreed in writing by us.
4. We reserve the right to charge interest on a day to day basis on any overdue amounts at 4% above Lloyds Bank Limited base rate for the time being without prejudice to our right to sue for or otherwise take action to recover such overdue amounts.
5. Except so far as required by law we make no warranty or representation whatsoever as to our goods in particular but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing we make no warranty or representation as to the fitness of the goods for any particular purpose. Anything stated by us or our employees or agents in connection with the proposed use of the goods shall not be relied upon by any purchaser as a representation leading to or inducing a sale.
6. In purchasing goods from us on those terms and conditions purchasers are deemed to acknowledge that they do not rely upon our skill or judgement or the skill or judgement of our employees or agents as to any matters connected with goods purchased.
7. Whilst every effort is made to supply goods of acceptable quality we expressly exclude any liability in contract tort or otherwise for any personal injury loss or damage financial or otherwise direct or indirect of any kind or cause or for anything done or omitted in connection with our products. We shall in no event be liable for fundamental breach and such liability is hereby expressly excluded.
8. Any complaints about goods supplied by us shall only be entertained by us if made within three days of delivery and on production of our delivery note or invoice.
9. Any contract made by us shall in all respects be construed and operate as an English contract and in conformity with English Law.
(a) The purchaser shall be responsible for providing any guards or protection necessary to comply with any statutory requirements in connection with the operation of machinery.
(b) The purchaser shall if required by us provide us with a written undertaking under the terms of Section 6 (8) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to take sufficient steps to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable that the goods be safe and without risk to health when properly used.